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  • Published: 1 November 2002

  • Proceedings of Geological Institute of the Georgian Academy of Sciences, new series, issue 117. pages 381–383, (2002)

V. Alania, O. Enukidze, K. Koiava


Balanced cross-section of the seismic reflection profile, together with forward kinematics modeling, was used to develop a tectonic model for the evolution of the southern part of the Kartli foreland basin. The southern part of the Kartli foreland basin represents of Tertiary strata that have been deformed and uplifted by passive backthrusting and the deformation of these structures is related north-vergent duplexes. The duplex sequence consists of Oligocene-Lower Miocene strata. Balanced geological cross-section indicates approximately 56% (-11,38km) shortening for this part of the southern part of the Kartli foreland basin.


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