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  • Published: 13 September 2004

  • Conference: 4th International Congress "Environmental Micropaleontology and Meiobenthology"

  • At: Isparta, Turkey

  • pages 112–113, (2004)

K. Koiava


Sarmatian sediments in Kakheti are oil-bearing and have been explored through deep oil wells. Analysis of these wells revealed changes in foraminifera complexes within the sediments. The Konkian sediments transition into Sarmatian sediments, which contain specific foraminifera indicative of their era. The lower Sarmatian sediments overlay Upper Konkian layers and contain transitional foraminifera species, linking Konkian and Sarmatian faunas. These complexes are similar to those found in Moldova, Crimea, Northern Caucasus, and Western Georgia. Middle Sarmatian sediments are divided into three parts, while lower Sarmatian sediments are divided into two, showing a clear succession of foraminifera over time. Upper Sarmatian sediments mainly contain Ostracoda and lack foraminifera. This stratigraphic study in Kakheti aligns with findings in other Eastern Paratethys regions.


1. Bogdanowicz, A. K. 1960. New Less Known Species of Foraminifera from Miocene of the West Precaucasus. Tr. KF VNII Neft, v. 3, pp. 241-263. (in Russian)

Bogdanowicz, A. K. 1965. Stratigraphic and Facial Distribution of Foraminiferas in the Miocene of the WestPrecaucasus and their Genesis. Tr. KF VNII Neft. v. 16, pp. 300-347. (in Russian)

3. Djanelidze, O. I. 1953. Study of Foraminifera of Konkian and Sarmatian Sediments of Georgia. Soobsh. Aca-demia Nauk GSSR, v. XIV, issue 3, pp. 153-158. (in Russian)

4. Maisuradze, L. S. 1980. Paleobiological History of Foraminiferas of the Late Miocene of Black Sea-Caspian Basin. “Mecniereba”, Tbilisi, pp. 1-85. (in Russian)

5. Maisuradze, L.S., Djanelidze, O.I., Vekua, M.L. 1985. Development of the Foraminiferal Fauna and Ostracoda of Late Neogen of the Black Sea-Caspian Basin. “Mecniereba”, Tbilisi, pp. 28-55. (in Russian)

6. Maissuradze, L., Minashvili, T., Koiava, K. 2004. Biostratigraphy of Jinvali-Gombori subzone Sarmatian Deposits of the accordance to foraminifera and nannoplankton. Proceedings of the Geological Institute, Georgian Academy of Sciences, new series, 119, pp. 295-309. (in Russian)

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