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  • Published: 17 February 2008

  • Conference: 5th International Congress "Environmental Micropaleontology and Meiobenthology"

  • At: Chennai, India

  • pages 150–153, (2008)

K. Koiava, L. Maissuradze, I. Shatilova, S. Spezzaferri, A. Strasser


The biostratigraphic correlation of Late Miocene deposits in the Paratethys region is challenging due to varying biodynamic conditions. In Eastern Georgia, Sarmatian deposits, known for their diverse fossil groups, particularly mollusks and foraminifera, are extensively studied. Recent research focuses on foraminifera, providing new data on their vertical distribution and aiding in the correlation of Sarmatian deposits.

The study involves 12 outcrops, six along rivers and six from oil wells, identifying five characteristic complexes based on foraminiferal assemblages. Early Sarmatian deposits, divided into lower (Varidentella reussi beds) and upper (Elphidium aculeatum beds), feature diverse foraminiferal species depending on the depositional environment.

Middle Sarmatian deposits, consisting of clays and sandstones, are categorized into three parts: Affinetrina voloshinovae beds, Porosononion aragviensis beds, and Porosononion hyalinum beds, each characterized by distinct foraminiferal assemblages and increased species diversity.

The research enhances understanding of the palaeogeographic evolution and biostratigraphic correlations within the Sarmatian deposits of Eastern Georgia.


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8. Maissuradze, L., Koiava, K.  (2006). New Data on Distribution of Sarmatian Foraminifera in the Sediments of Kakheti. Georgian Oil and Gas, 19: 50-62. (In Georgian)

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