Published: 15 December 2001
Georgian Oil and Gas, Volume 1, Issue 4, pages 70–74, (2001)
V. Alania, O. Enukidze, K. Koiava, L. Kvaliashvili
The study focuses on the southern part of the Kartli foreland basin, located between the Achara-Trialeti and Greater Caucasus thrust and fold belts, which developed during the late Miocene-Pliocene. This area features Tertiary strata deformed by passive back thrusting. A balanced cross-section (A-B) and kinematic models of fault-bend duplex formation were developed using seismic reflection data. The analysis reveals five duplexes (I-V) in Oligocene-Lower Miocene rocks, with passive uplift observed in the cover above the thickened duplexes. Forward kinematic modeling suggests the evolution of these structures, providing insights into the mechanism of passive back thrusting and their potential as hydrocarbon traps.
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